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20146月毕业于中国学科技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,获安全技术及工程博士学位。长期从事于固体可燃物热解着火动力学、材料表面火蔓延、建筑火灾室内烟气扩散、受限空间氢气泄漏扩散、锂离子电池组热失控数值模拟等相关问题研究。近年来在国内外安全与火灾领域重要期刊和会议发表论文70余篇(其中SCI 40余篇,二区以上26篇),申请专利19项,先后主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后特别资助、中国博士后面上项目一等资助、江苏省科技厅青年基金、国家安全监管总局项目、江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目(2项)、中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室开放课题项目、建筑消防工程技术公安部重点实验室开放课题等项目十余项,获省部级科技奖励3项。



Email: gjh9896@njtech.edu.cn




2012/09-2013/09,美国马里兰大学,消防工程系,联合培养博士生,导师:Stanislav I. Stoliarov





1. 2019/03-2020-03,美国马里兰大学,消防工程系,访问学者,合作导师:Stanislav I. Stoliarov

2. 2017/11-至今,澳门新浦新京8455com,澳门新浦新京8455com,副教授

3. 2015/11-2019/03,澳门新浦新京8455com,澳门新浦新京8455com,博士后,合作导师:蒋军成

4. 2014/09-2017/10,澳门新浦新京8455com,澳门新浦新京8455com,讲师



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51974164,耦合时变热流光谱分布演变规律的聚合物热解着火机理研究,2020/01-2023/1260万元,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51506081,基于两种热流吸收模式的聚合物热解及火蔓延机理研究,2016/01-2018/1224.8万元,结题,主持。

3. 中国博士后科学基金第十批特别资助项目,2017T100361,基于聚合物表面与深度吸收的变热流自燃着火机理研究,2017/07-2019/0615万元,结题,主持。

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助,2016M600407,聚合物不同热流吸收模式热解自燃着火机理研究, 2017/01-2018/128万元,结题,主持。

5. 国家安全监管总局规划科技司2017年安全生产重特大事故防治关键技术科技项目,jiangsu-0013-2017AQ,基于检测检验的天然气管道定量风险评价技术及其应用研究,2017/01-2018/1240万元,结题,主持。

6. 江苏省科技厅基础研究计划(自然科学基金)青年基金项目,BK20150954,基于聚合物分段组合热解的火蔓延尺寸效应研究, 2015/07-2018/0620万元,结题,主持。

7. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目,21KJA620002基于热对流-辐射协同竞争机制的可燃物热解着火机理研究,2021/10-2024/0930万元,在研,主持。

8. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目,17KJA620003,环境风作用下高层建筑火灾烟气竖向蔓延的动力学过程研究,2017/09-2020/0815万元,结题,主持。

9. 建筑消防工程技术公安部重点实验室开放课题,KFKT2016ZD06,墙面熔融材料对室内火灾轰燃的影响研究,2017/05-2020/058万元,结题,主持。

10. 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室开放课题项目,HZ2015-KF09,自然对流条件下非碳化聚合物材料三维逆流火蔓延机理及规律研究,2015/01-2016/128万元,结题,主持。

11. 十三五国家重点研发计划-重大事故灾难次生衍生与多灾种耦合致灾机理与规律2016YFC0800102,泄漏和爆炸及其次生衍生事故的演化机理与规律,2016/07-2020/06435万元,结题,研究骨干。



期刊论文 (第一/通讯作者, 2022.3.3更新)

1. Junhui Gong*, Mingrui Zhang, Chunjie Zhai*, Pyrolysis and autoignition behaviors of oriented strand board under power-law radiation, Renewable Energy, 182 (2022) 946-957. (SCI,EI;1TOP, IF:8.001).

2. Junhui Gong*, Chunjie Zhai, Jing Li, Lizhong Yang, Yang Zhou, Zhirong Wang*, Auto-ignition of thermally thick PMMA exposed to linearly decreasing thermal radiation, Combustion and Flame, 216 (2020) 232-244. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

3. Junhui Gong*, Yabo Li, Jinghong Wang, Jing Li, Yixuan Chen, Juncheng Jiang, Zhirong Wang*, Approximate analytical solutions for temperature based transient mass flux and ignition time of a translucent solid at high radiant heat flux considering in-depth absorption, Combustion and Flame, 2017, 186: 166-177. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

4. Junhui Gong*, Chunjie Zhai, Zhirong Wang*, Pyrolysis and autoignition behaviors of beech wood coated with an acrylic-based waterborne layer, Fuel, 306 (2021) 121724. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

5. Junhui Gong*, Zhixuan Zhu, Chunjie Zhai*, A numerical model for simulating pyrolysis and combustion behaviors of multilayer composites, Fuel, 2021, 289: 119752. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

6. Junhui Gong*, Stanislav I. Stoliarov, Long Shi, Jing Li, Shunbing Zhu, Yang Zhou, Zhirong Wang*, Analytical prediction of pyrolysis and ignition time of translucent fuel considering both time-dependent heat flux and in-depth absorption, Fuel, 2019, 223: 913-922. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

7. Junhui Gong*, Yabo Li, Yixuan Chen, Jing Li, Xuan Wang, Juncheng Jiang, Zhirong Wang*, Jinghong Wang, Approximate analytical solutions for transient mass flux and ignition time of solid combustibles exposed to time-varying heat flux, Fuel, 2018, 211: 676-687. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

8. Junhui Gong, Xiaodong Zhou, Jing Li, Lizhong Yang*, Effect of finite dimension on downward flame spread over PMMA slabs: Experimental and theoretical study, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 91: 225-234. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

9. Junhui Gong, Xiaodong Zhou, Zhihua Deng, Lizhong Yang*, Influences of low atmospheric pressure on downward flame spread over thick PMMA slabs at different altitudes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 61: 191-200. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

10. Xuan Wang*, Junhui Gong*, Beilei Yuan, Zhaofang Chen, Juncheng Jiang, Sensitive and multiplexed detection of antibiotics using a suspension array platform based on silica-agarose hybrid microbeads, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 373: 115-121. (SCI,EI;1TOP)

11. Yang Zhou, Rongwei Bu, Xiaonan Zhang, Chuangang Fan*, Junhui Gong*, Performance evaluation of water mist fire suppression: A clean and sustainable fire-fighting technique in mechanically-ventilated place, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 209, 1319-1331. (SCI,EI;1TOP).

12. Ning Li, Youmin Gu, Junhui Gong*, Development of a pyrolysis model for poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) and its application in predicting combustion behaviors, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021, 193, 109739. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

13. Junhui Gong*, Chunjie Zhai, Lizhong Yang, Zhirong Wang*, Ignition of polymers under exponential heat flux considering both surface and in-depth absorptions, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 151, 106242. (SCI,EI;2).

14. Tong Lu, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Affecting mechanism of partition boards on hydrogen dispersion in confined space with symmetrical lateral openings, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 38944-38958. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

15. Qihua Wang, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Zhirong Wang, Juncheng Jiang, Yang Zhou, Analytical and numerical predictions of hydrogen gas flow induced by wall and corner leakages in confined space, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45: 6848-6862. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

16. Junhui Gong*, Mingrui Zhang, Chunjie Zhai*, Composite auto-ignition criterion for PMMA (Poly methyl methacrylate) exposed to linearly declining thermal radiation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 195, 117156. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

17. Junhui Gong*, Mingrui Zhang, Chunjie Zhai, Lizhong Yang, Yang Zhou, Zhirong Wang, Experimental, analytical and numerical investigation on auto-ignition of thermally intermediate PMMA imposed to linear time-increasing heat flux, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 172, 115137. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

18. Junhui Gong*, Jialei Cao, Jing Li, Supan Wang, Yang Zhou, Zhirong Wang*, Effect of moisture content on thermal decomposition and autoignition of wood under power-law thermal radiation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 179, 115651. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

19. Junhui Gong*, Mingrui Zhang, Yu Jiang, Chunjie Zhai, Zhirong Wang*, Limiting condition for auto-ignition of finite thick PMMA in forced convective airflow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 161, 106741. (SCI,EI;2).

20. Qihua Wang, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Juncheng Jiang, Zhirong Wang, Estimating leaked hydrogen gas flow in confined space through coupling zone model and point source buoyancy plume theory, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 15644-15656. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

21. Junhui Gong*, Jing Li, Long Shi, Xuan Wang, Supan Wang, Zhirong Wang*, Analytical prediction of heat transfer and ignition time of solids exposed to time-dependent thermal radiation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 130, 227-239. (SCI,EI;2).

22. Junhui Gong, Yixuan Chen, Juncheng Jiang, Lizhong Yang, Jing Li*, A numerical study of thermal degradation of polymers: surface and in-depth absorption, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 106: 1366-1379. (SCI,EI;2TOP).

23. Kun Zhao, Lizhong Yang, Wei Tang, Qiong Liu, Xiaoyu Ju, Junhui Gong*, Effect of orientation on the burning and flame characteristics of PMMA slabs under different pressure environments, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 156: 619-626. (SCI,EI;2TOP, IF:3.771).

24. Yang Zhou, Junhui Gong*, Lin Jiang, Changkun Chen, Orientation effect on upward flame propagation over rigid polyurethane foam, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 132: 86-95. (SCI,EI;2).

25. Junhui Gong, Youmin Gu, Chunjie Zhai, Zhirong Wang*, A hybrid pyrolysis mechanism of phenol formaldehyde and kinetics evaluation using isoconversional methods and genetic algorithm, Thermochimica Acta, 2020, 690, 178708. (SCI,EI;3).

26. Yixuan Chen, Junhui Gong*, Xuan Wang, Shunbing Zhu, Yang Zhou, Juncheng Jiang, Zhirong Wang*, Effect of radiation absorption modes on ignition time of translucent polymers subjected to time-dependent heat flux, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019, 135: 2183-2195. (SCI,EI;3).

27. Junhui Gong, Yixuan Chen, Jing Li, Juncheng Jiang, ZhirongWang*, Jinghong Wang, Effects of combined surface and in-depth absorption on ignition of PMMA, Materials, 2016, 820 (9). (SCI,EI;3).

28. Junhui Gong, Chunjie Zhai*, Estimating ignition time of solid exposed to increasing-steady thermal radiation, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021, In press. (SCI,EI;3).

29. Junhui Gong*, Di Wang, Long Shi, Xuanya Liu*, Ye Chen, Guomin Zhang, Experimental study on the smoke temperature evolution in a polyethylene (PE)-lined compartment on fire, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 140: 1907-1917. (SCI,EI;3).

30. Yu Jiang, Chunjie Zhai, Long Shi, Xuanya Liu, Junhui Gong*, Assessment of melting and dripping effect on ignition of vertically discrete polypropylene and polyethylene slabs, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021, 144: 751-762. (SCI,EI;3).

31. Jingjing Liu, Zhirong Wang*, Junhui Gong*, Kai Liu, Hao Wang, Linsheng Guo, Experimental study of thermal runaway process of 18650 lithium-ion battery, Materials, 2017, 230(10). (SCI,EI;3).

32. Kai Zhang, Zhirong Wang*, Junhui Gong*, Minghan Liu, Zhan Dou, Juncheng Jiang, Experimental study of effects of ignition position, initial pressure and pipe length on H2-Air explosion in linked vessels, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2017, 50: 295-300. (SCI,EI;3).

33. Zhirong Wang, Yongjun Li, Xuan Tong, Junhui Gong*, Risk probability evaluation for the effect of obstacle on CO2 leakage and dispersion indoors based on uncertainty theory, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2022, 74, 104652. (SCI,EI;3).

34. Junhui Gong*, Hong Zhu, Hongen Zhou, Stanislav I. Stoliarov, Development of a pyrolysis model for oriented strand board. Part I: kinetics and thermodynamics of the thermal decomposition, Journal of Fire Science, 2021, 39 (2): 190-204. (SCI,EI;4).

35. Junhui Gong*, Hong Zhu, Hongen Zhou, Conor G. McCoy, Stanislav I. Stoliarov, Development of a pyrolysis model for oriented strand board. Part II: thermal transport parameterization and bench-scale validation, Journal of Fire Science, 2021, 39 (6): 477-494. (SCI,EI;4).

36. Junhui Gong, Lizhong Yang*, Xiaodong Zhou, Zhihua Deng, Gao Lei, Wenjun Wang, Effects of low atmospheric pressure on combustion characteristics of polyethylene and polymethyl methacrylate, Journal of Fire Science, 2012, 30: 224-239. (SCI,EI;4).

37. Di Wang, Long Shi, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Jing Li, Xuanya Liu, Experimental and numerical study on smoke evolution in polyethylene (PE) slabs enclosed compartment fire, Combustion Science and Technology, 2020, 192: 2238-2258. (SCI,EI;4).

38. Yaya Zhen, Zhirong Wang*, Junhui Gong*. Experimental study of the initial pressure effect on methane-air explosions in linked vessels, Process Safety Progress, 2018, 37: 86-94. (SCI,EI;4).

39. Mingrui Zhang, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Spontaneous ignition of thermally thin and intermediate pmma exposed to linearly increasing thermal radiation, IEEE, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, ICFSFPE October, 2019. (EI)

40. Qihua Wang, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Explosion characteristics of a premixed methane-air vapor cloud induced by a jet flame, IEEE, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, ICFSFPE October, 2019. (EI)

41. Di Wang, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Numerical estimation of environmental wind effect on smoke evolution in a 10-storey building, IEEE, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, ICFSFPE October, 2019. (EI)

42. Yu Jiang, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Thermal decomposition and auto-ignition of finite thick pmma in forced convective airflow, IEEE, 9th International Conference on Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, ICFSFPE October, 2019. (EI)

43. Yang Zhou, Rongwei Bu, Zhisheng Xu*, Huoju Chen, Junhui Gong*, Numerical simulation of smoke control effectiveness with different exhaust modes in a large subway station, Procedia Engineering, 2018, 211: 1065-1074. (EI)

44. 龚俊辉*,陈怡璇王志荣蒋军成李劲,周洋,非碳化聚合物两种热流吸收模式热解机理研究,《浙江大学学报(工学版)2017, 51(4): 784~791(EI)

45. 龚俊辉*,陈怡璇,李劲,周洋,PMMA 表面与深度吸收热解过程数值模拟,《浙江大学学报(工学版)》,2016, 50(10): 1879~1888(EI)



1. 龚俊辉(2/10),锂离子电池组热失控预测警与主动防控关键技术及应用,中国职业安全健康协会,科学技术奖,一等奖,2020年。

2. 龚俊辉(2/6),锂离子电池热失控预测预警与灭火阻断技术与应用,中国发明协会,发明创业奖创新奖,一等奖,2020年。

3. 龚俊辉(5/7),基于监测检验的天然气埋地管道定量风险评价技术及其应用,中国产学研合作促进会,中国产学研合作创新成果奖,二等奖,2017年。

4. 龚俊辉(1/4),聚合物热解数值模拟:表面与深度吸收,南京市自然科学优秀学术论文评审委员会,南京市第十二届自然科学优秀学术论文奖,三等奖,2017年。

5. Mingrui Zhang, Chunjie Zhai, Junhui Gong*, Spontaneous Ignition of Thermally Thin and Intermediate PMMA Exposed to Linearly Increasing Thermal Radiation,第九届火灾科学与消防工程国际研讨会组委会,2019第九届火灾科学与消防工程国际研讨会,优秀论文奖,一等奖,2019年。



1. 2020年,火灾动力学,第三届全国高校安全科学与工程青年教师教学大赛二等奖,公共安全科学技术学会,中国职业安全健康协会。

2. 2020年,澳门新浦新京8455com第十一届青年教师授课竞赛三等奖。

3. 2021年,高倍泡沫产生及其对液化天然气危险防控研究装置,第三届全国安全科学与工程老员工实践与创新作品大赛一等奖(指导老师),公共安全科学技术学会/中国职业安全健康协会。

4. 2017年,锂离子电池火灾爆炸预警装置研究与开发,第三届全国安全科学与工程老员工实践与创新作品大赛一等奖(指导老师),教育部安全科学与工程类专业教学指导委员会/中国职业安全健康协会。

5. 2017年,澳门新浦新京8455com,工大精英九思奖。

6. 2015年,澳门新浦新京8455com第八届青年教师授课竞赛二等奖。



1. 2019年,发明专利,一种聚合物热流深度吸收系数演变规律的测试方法,授权专利号:ZL201710608148.7龚俊辉,王志荣,陈怡璇)。

2. 2019年,实用新型专利,一种薄可燃物热解温度质量同步测定实验装置,授权专利号:ZL201922032335.2龚俊辉,张明锐,王志荣)。

3. 2019年,实用新型专利一种自反馈时变热流下聚合物热解着火实验装置,授权专利号:ZL201920971400.5龚俊辉,曹家磊,王京阳)。

4. 2019年,实用新型专利一种固体可燃物可控气氛热解实验装置,授权专利号:ZL201921241946.1龚俊辉,王志荣,王京阳)。

5. 2018年,实用新型专利,一种电阻抗-钨灯复合型辐射加热实验装置,授权专利号:ZL201721278392.3龚俊辉,王志荣,王苏盼)。

6. 2019年,实用新型专利,一种辐射-对流耦合加热可控气氛热解实验装置,授权专利号ZL201922194856.8龚俊辉,曹家磊,王志荣)。

7. 2020年,发明专利,一种锂离子电池热失控气体燃烧热测定装置及测定方法,专利申请号:202011422915.3龚俊辉,朱智轩,翟春婕)。

8. 2020年,发明专利,一种基于距离控制的时变辐射热流实验系统及测定方法,专利申请号:202010500688.5龚俊辉,张明锐,王志荣)。

9. 2019年,发明专利,一种自反馈时变热流下聚合物热解着火实验系统及测试方法,专利申请号:201910559905.5龚俊辉,曹家磊,王京阳)。

10. 2019年,发明专利,一种固体可燃物可控气氛热解测试系统及测试方法,专利申请号:201910711046.7龚俊辉,王志荣,王京阳)。

11. 2019年,发明专利,一种薄可燃物热解温度和质量同步测定实验系统及测定方法,专利申请号:201911153675.9龚俊辉,张明锐,王志荣)。

12. 2019年,发明专利,一种辐射-对流耦合加热可控气氛热解实验系统及测试方法,专利申请号:201911256982.X龚俊辉,曹家磊,王志荣)。

13. 2017年,发明专利,一种电阻抗-钨灯复合型辐射加热实验装置及测试系统,专利申请号:201710917321.1龚俊辉,王志荣,王苏盼)。

14. 2020年,实用新型专利,一种锂离子电池热失控气体燃烧热测定装置,专利申请号:202022915562.2龚俊辉,朱智轩,翟春婕)。

15. 2020年,实用新型专利,一种基于距离控制的时变辐射热流实验系统及测定方法,专利申请号:202021003963.4龚俊辉,张明锐,王志荣)。

16. 2018年,发明专利,一种用于发电的火炬气回收处理系统及其回收处理方法,专利申请号:201811195523.0王志荣,王相文,龚俊辉)。

17. 2018年,实用新型专利,一种用于发电的火炬气回收处理系统,专利申请号:201821665073.2王志荣,王相文,龚俊辉)。

18. 2017年,发明专利,一种用于泄爆保护的安全气囊装置,专利申请号:201711177822.7王志荣,马卫东,龚俊辉)。

19. 2017年,实用新型专利,一种泄爆安全气囊装置,专利号:ZL201721576441.1王志荣,马卫东,龚俊辉)。



1. 龚俊辉,多层可燃物热解着火及燃烧过程模拟系统V1.0,开发完成日期:2020.07.03,登记号:2021SR0901821,登记日期:2021.06.16



1. 国际期刊Emergency Management Science and Technology编委;

2. 中国职业卫生协会防火防爆专业委员会委员;

3. 江苏省特种机电智能测控标准化技术委员会委员

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会通讯评审专家;

5. 国际燃烧学会会员;

6. 中国化工学会会员;

7. 浦口区安全生产(应急管理)专家库专家;



1. 2019,陈怡璇,江苏省优秀硕士论文优秀专业学位硕士学位论文,非炭化聚合物表面-深度吸收热解自燃机理研究,指导老师。

2. 2018,陈怡璇,澳门新浦新京8455com2018年度校优秀硕士专业学位论文,非炭化聚合物表面-深度吸收热解自燃机理研究,指导老师。

3. 2019江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目,王启华,耦合浮力羽流与区域模型的受限空间泄漏气体扩散机理研究,1.5万,指导老师,结题等级:优秀。

4. 2020江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目,张明锐,热流形式和着火条件对定向刨花板热解着火影响研究,1.5万,指导老师。

5. 2020江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目,曹家磊,热流形式和着火条件对定向刨花板热解着火影响研究,1.5万,指导老师。